Great Expectations as Customers Show Increased Appetite for Swift Service and Customization

The restaurant industry has changed significantly in recent years, not least due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, restaurants saw a notable shift in customer expectations and behavior during this time. For lengthy periods over the course of two years, businesses were forced to operate solely on a take-out and delivery basis, and it soon became evident that everybody would need to up their game. From early 2021, eating out at our favorite restaurants became a thing of the past and with many people staying at home and working remotely, there was a surge in demand for food delivery services, as well as a need for faster and more personalized food options.

According to a study from McKinsey & Company, 60 percent of US consumers now spend more each month on food delivery than they did before the pandemic. 11% of Americans spend between $100 and $149 more each month, while 22 percent spend an additional $50 to $99, on average. Interestingly, 55 percent of consumers now…